Product and Order Source

Allow users to manage product settings when placing an order:

1. Product

(1) Display the product images: If turned on, product images will be displayed alongside the product name on the order; if turned off, images will not be displayed when placing an order.

Note: If the child product (attribute) has an image, then the image of the child product (attribute) will be used. If the child product (attribute) does not have an image, the first image of the parent product will be taken.

If a product has multiple images, the first image of the product will be displayed.

(2) Allow to change the price when creating order: By default, the product will display its selling price when an order is created, but if the seller wishes to edit the selling price during order creation, they can turn this option on to make the adjustment. Turn off the option to lock the selling price and prevent changes during order creation.

Note: The price change is only for the order creation; the new price will not be updated on the product listing.

(3) Allow handover to shipping when out of stock: When this option is turned on, orders placed when stock is at 0 can still be sent to the shipping company. Conversely, when the option is turned off, such orders must wait until stock is replenished before they can be sent to the shipping company.

(4) Allow display of inactive users when selecting: When this option is turned on, users in an inactive state will be displayed in the user interface, and if these user accounts have placed orders or managed leads, they will be shown in the selection filter for viewing orders, leads, reports.

(5) Update product weight by weight on latest order: When this option is turned on, any modifications to product weight made during order creation will be updated back to the product for future orders to reflect the change. Conversely, when this option is off, the update will not be saved to the product and will only change on the order itself.

2. Orders source

Order source is required: When this option is turned on, an asterisk (*) will be displayed by default on the order interface, indicating that the order source must be selected when creating an order. If the order source is forgotten, a warning will be issued and the order cannot be created. Conversely, if this option is turned off, it is not necessary to select an order source and orders can still be created normally.

3. Set up import price

Configure the formula for calculating the product's import price that the system uses

Configuration of the product cost calculation formula:

  1. Average purchase price

  2. Last purchase price

  3. First in - First out

Note: Changing the formula will alter the revenue report figures.

Last updated