Warehouse transfer note

The Nobi Pro system integrates a transfer feature to help users easily manage products when transferring from one warehouse to another.

To set up transfer and manage transfer, you go to Products -> Warehouse transfer note. The interface will be displayed as shown below.

I. Add warehouse transfer note

In the transfer management interface, to add a new transfer, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Click "Create warehouse transfer note" -> Add New Form diplay

Step 2: Enter information into new voucher form

Step 3: Click button "Create"

II. Edit Transfer Voucher

In the interface for managing the list of transfer vouchers, to edit a voucher, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on three dot to the left of the transfer voucher -> click "Edit Voucher"

Step 2: At the transfer form, change information and click on button "Save bill"

III. Cancle Transfer Voucher

In the interface of managing transfer vouchers, to cancel a transfer voucher, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on three dot to the right of the transfer voucher -> Click "Cancle Voucher"

Step 2: In the "Cancle Voucher" form, click on button "Agree"

IV. Export Excel File

There are 2 ways to export an excel file.

Method 1: Click "Export Excel according to filter results "will be performed as shown below::

Method 2: Export excel according to the selected vouchers, will be done as shown below.

V. Print Voucher

In the interface for managing purchase orders, to print a receipt, you do as follows:

Step 1: Select Voucher

Step 2: Click button "Tools"

Step 3: Click on "Print invoices list"

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