Import & export report

The import & export report shows the number of goods imported, sold, canceled, products returned to suppliers, products returned, and remaining inventory in the system.

In the import & export report, you can view the report for a specific day or a range of time, and you can view the report for a group of products or a specific product.

On the Nobi Pro administration page, to monitor the returned orders report, go to the section Overview -> Shipping Report > Import & Export Report. The screen will be displayed as shown below:

Inventory at the beginning of the period : Refers to the quantity and value of stock on hand up to the date before filtering.

(1) Number: The amount of inventory on hand up to the date before filtering.

(2) Value: The value of inventory on hand up to the date before filtering.

The imported quantity in period : Represents the total quantity of goods received into the warehouse during the filtering period.

(3) Enter Warehouse: Total quantity of goods received from suppliers as recorded by the Goods Received Notes created during the filtering period, including any canceled notes.

(4) Transfer Warehouse : Total quantity of goods transferred from other warehouses as recorded by the warehouse transfer notes, including any canceled notes.

(5) Checking Inventory : Total quantity increase when physical inventory count compare with the system inventory count (based on the discrepancy in the Inventory check notes and the inventory in stock).

(6) Guest Pays: Total quantity of returned goods that have been confirmed, as recorded by the return notes, including any canceled notes.

(7) Cancle Delivery: Total quantity of goods that were ordered and deducted from inventory but were later canceled.

(8) Cancle Voucher: Total quantity of goods that were transferred to other warehouses, returned to suppliers, issue for cancellation, or processed through Shopee but were later canceled.

Total Import Quantity: The total quantity of goods received into the warehouse during the filtering period.

(9) Number: Total quantity imported = Stock Receipts + Warehouse Transfers (incoming) + Inventory Adjustments (increases) + Customer Returns + Order Cancellations + Note Cancellations.

(10) Value: Total value corresponding to the total quantity imported.

The exported quantity in period : Represents the total quantity of goods that left the warehouse during the filtering period.

(11) Export for sale: Total quantity of goods that were ordered and deducted from inventory as recorded by the Sales Orders created during the filtering period, Shopee export orders include canceled orders.

(12) Transfer Warehouse: Total quantity of goods transferred to other warehouses as recorded by the Warehouse Transfer Notes, including any canceled notes.

(13) Checking Inventory: Total quantity increase when physical inventory count exceeds the system inventory count (based on the discrepancy in the Inventory Check Notes and the inventory reconciliation date).

(14) Supplier Return: Total quantity of goods returned to suppliers as recorded by the Supplier Return Notes, including any canceled notes.

(15) Cancelation: Total quantity of goods destroyed as recorded by the Destruction Notes, including any deleted or canceled notes, and excluding notes created during return processing.

(16) Cancel Voucher: Total quantity of goods that were transferred from other warehouses, received, but were later canceled.

Total Export Quantity:

(17) Number: Total quantity of goods dispatched from the warehouse = Sales Dispatches + Warehouse Transfers out + Inventory Adjustments (decreases) + Supplier Returns + Destruction + Note Cancellations.

(18) Value: Total value corresponding to the total outbound quantity.

Period-end Stocks: Refers to the quantity and value of stock on hand at the end of the filtering date.

(19) Number: The amount of inventory on hand at the end of the filtering date.

(20) Value: The value of inventory on hand at the end of the filtering date.

(21) Cancel Return: The quantity of products destroyed from return processing notes, this figure is displayed but not included in the outbound quantity for the period.

(22) Proportion: The ending inventory of the branch divided by the total system inventory.

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