Connect to Kiotviet software
1. Guide to connecting Kiotviet software
To connect KiotViet software with Nobi Pro, users should follow these steps:
Step 1: Fill in the information into the API connection form. The information includes:
Software name: Choose KiotViet software
Retailer ID: If your system is "", please enter "abc" in the ID field.
Client ID: Obtain the information in the API settings section of the sales software
Client Secret:
Obtain the information in the API settings section of the sales software
Default user role: Users will be assigned this role after synchronization.
Order synchronization settings: If checked, orders placed from Nobi Pro will be synchronized to KiotViet. If unchecked, orders in Nobi Pro will not be synchronized with KiotViet software.
Inventory and product price synchronization settings: If checked, inventory and product prices from KiotViet will be synchronized to Nobi Pro. Conversely, if unchecked, inventory and product prices from KiotViet will not be synchronized to Nobi Pro.
Step 2: Click "Save connection"
2. Guide to synchronize data
After successfully connecting the sales software, users need to perform the following operations to synchronize information from the sales software:
Step 1: Select the options for the information you want to synchronize (For the first synchronization after connecting, it is recommended to synchronize all information)
Step 2: Click "Sync" -> Display the sync progress form
Step 3: After completing the process, press close
Last updated