
The Nobi Chat installation feature supports users in setting up various functions to ensure the system operates according to the user's desires. To install Nobichat for your Fanpage, go to the Nobi Pro management page, and then enter Nobi Chat -> Nobi Chat Setting -> Select Facebook Channel -> Select Fanpage

1. General Setting

In the general settings tab, the system will display various features, depending on your needs you can choose to turn these features ON or OFF.

1.1 Synchronize Installation

Selecting a page -> clicking the sync button will help you synchronize settings from the current page to the selected page. Syncing settings from one page to another will save you time, as you won't have to repeat the same action with a different fanpage.

1.2 Install Conversation

(1) Display unread conversations at the top: If this setting is ON, unread conversations will be displayed at the top.

(2) Convert conversation to lead: If this setting is ON, conversations containing a phone number will be converted into leads. It can either convert automatically or you may need to manually operate the conversion depending on the setting

User manually converts conversation to lead

Automatically convert conversation to lead when a phone number is detected

(3) Display the name of conversation tags: If this setting is ON, the names of assigned conversation tags will be displayed.

1.3 Setup Notification

(4) Notification sound: If this setting is ON, when entering the chat screen, if there is a new message, the computer device will ring.

**Note: You must enable browser sound.

1.4 Automated Intallation

(5) Automatic order creation: If this setting is ON, when a customer sends a phone number to the page or comments with a phone number, the system will automatically create an order for that customer.

1.5 Install Dialogue Processing

(6) Employees can view and manage Page conversations: Turn ON if you want to set up employees to be able to view and handle conversations, if no setting is applied, it will be available to all employees.

2. Sample message

Here you can configure functions for template messages. If you want to set up a function, you need to turn ON mode.

(1) Turn ON if you want to use the message template suggestion feature in conversations: Enter the conversation, type "/text" to display quick reply templates.

**Note: Type "/" outside of the value input textbox

(2) Turn ON if you want to manage message templates by topic

(3) Turn ON if you want the message to be sent immediately upon selection.

(4) Turn ON if you want to quickly search for message templates. This setting will help you search for message templates by order, by name, or by content on the message template management screen.

(5) Turn ON if you want to display only the content of the message template, other fields besides the content will be hidden.

2.1 Add new template message

To add a new template message, please follow these steps:

(1) Click "Add " -> The new addition form is displayed

(2) Name the message template

(3) Content to be sent to customers: Insert automatic data: In the message content, you can insert some dynamic data in this section Click on the image to upload images/videos/files if needed

(4) Click "Add "

**Note: Multiple contents can be created for one message template

If a message template is chosen, a template with multiple contents will send all the contents to the customer

If setting up a message template with multiple contents for automatic messaging or automatic commenting, the system will randomly send the contents.

2.2 Update Template Message

To update the template message, please follow these steps:

(1) Click the three dots on the right side of the template message

(2) Click "Edit" -> The update form appears: Update the name/content/image of the template message

(3) Click "Save"

2.4 Delete Template Message

To delete the Template Message, please follow these steps:

(1) Click the three dots on the right side of the template message -> Select "Delete" -> A popup to confirm the deletion of the template message appears

(2) Click "Confirm"

Additionally, you can also delete multiple template messages at once by:

(1) Check the boxes in front of the template messages

(2) Click on the "Delete template message" button -> A confirmation popup to delete the template message is displayed

(3) Click "Confirm"

2.4 Synchronize template messages

Nobi Pro supports the feature of synchronizing template messages across multiple fanpages. To perform message synchronization, please follow these steps:

(1) Click "Sync" -> Sync form is displayed

(2) Select the sync page

(3) Select the target sync page

(4) Select the sync message template

(5) Click "Sync"

2.3 Import From Excel

2.4 Import From Pancake

3. Set up conversation splitting.

For the conversation setup feature, you can choose one of the following segmentation methods:

(1) No conversation division: All employees of the system will see all conversations from the time this feature is set up.

(2) Employee self-assignment: Employees will see all their conversations and those not yet managed by anyone. Employees can claim conversations by assigning themselves as the manager.

(3) Automatic sequential distribution without limit: Employees will only see conversations they manage. All new conversations will be automatically distributed sequentially to all employees with rights over the conversation.

If priority settings are established, distribution will follow the priority rights.

If time settings are established, the system will only distribute conversations during this time.

(4) Automatic sequential distribution with a limit: Employees will only see conversations they manage. All new conversations will be automatically distributed sequentially to all employees with rights over the conversation.

If priority settings are established, distribution will follow the priority rights.

If time settings are established, the system will only distribute conversations during this time.

The limited number of customers is the total maximum number of customers divided by the number of employees per day.

(5) Self-claiming conversations: Employees will only see conversations they manage, and if they finish handling all assigned conversations, they will have the right to claim conversations from the conversation list.

**Note: For conversation distribution settings: Automatic sequential distribution without limit, Automatic sequential distribution with a limit, Self-claiming conversations will have a priority distribution option setting.

When the default priority option is turned on, the order of priority for distributing conversations is arranged as follows:

  • Old manager

  • Priority settings

  • Page on-duty staff

When the default priority option is turned off, the order of priority for distributing conversations is as follows:

  • Priority settings

  • Old manager

  • Page on-duty staff

  • Custom recall adjustment.

For conversations that have been handled by an employee, and the customer has made a purchase, but the customer returns to message the page -> The conversation may be transferred to someone else. To prevent the conversation from being recalled and distributed to another employee, you can set the number of days a conversation is not recalled from the time the order is finalized.

4. Automatic Message

Setting up the automatic messaging feature will help the Fanpage automatically respond to comments and messages from customers.

  • Turn ON automatic messages: The automatic message management list screen will be displayed. You can add/edit/delete/synchronize automatic messages.

  • Turn ON Keep conversation unchanged: Keep the status of unread, unreplied conversations sent by the page unchanged.

4.1 Add New Automatic Message

To add an automatic message, please follow these steps:

(1) Click "Add" at the automatic news list management screen

(2)select a template message

(3) Click "Continue" -> At this point, the screen will display advanced settings for you to choose and configure.

(3.1) All: If you check the checkbox -> All checkboxes below will be automatically checked

(3.2) Reply to messages when customers send a message: If you check this checkbox, the system will by default check the option

(3.2.1) Only send messages when the customer interacts after a period of time: If you check this checkbox, you need to enter the number of minutes below so that after the customer interacts, the system will automatically send a message to the customer after the number of minutes entered above.

(3.2.2) Only apply to messages from new customers: If you check this checkbox, the system will automatically send a message to customers who are messaging the Fanpage for the first time (including those who have previously commented) (3.3) Reply to comments when customers comment: When a customer comments on a post, the system will automatically reply to the customer's comment, if the customer comments multiple times on one post, all automatic replies will be within the first comment.

(3.3.1) Only apply to the first comment of each customer on a post: If a customer comments multiple times on a post, the automatic reply will only be for the first comment

(3.3.2) Only apply to comments with a phone number: The automatic reply will only respond to comments that include a phone number.

(3.3) + (3.3.1) + (3.3.2) If the customer checks all three checkboxes, if it is a phone number or the first message in the post, the comment will be automatically replied to

(3.4) Send a message when customers comment: If you check this checkbox, the system will automatically message the customer when they comment on a post.

** Note: This feature will apply to cases where messages are replied to through comments.

  • If the customer has previously interacted with the page or has not violated Facebook's policies, then the reply through comments will be sent.

  • If the customer has never interacted with the page before or has violated Facebook's messaging policies, then the reply through comments will only send text or images (if the message content includes both images and text).

  • If the template message has multiple contents, the system will randomly send content to the customer.

(3.4.1) Only applies to comments with a phone number: The system will send a message to the customer when the comment is a phone number.

(3.4.2) Only applies when there are keywords: The system will automatically send a message to the customer when the comment contains keywords that you have set up.

(3.4) + (3.4.1) +(3.4.2) If the customer checks all three of these checkboxes: If it is a phone number or a comment containing keywords, an automatic message will be sent to the customer.

4.2 Automatic Message synchronization

To synchronize messages automatically, please follow these steps:

(1) Click "Sync" on the automatic message management screen.

(2) Select the page to sync

(3) Select the target sync page

(4) Select the automatic message you want to sync

(5) Click "Sync"

5. Phone Number Setting

To prevent the system from mistakenly saving the shop's phone number as the customer's, Nobi Pro provides a phone number setup feature. For the phone numbers set up here, the system will ignore them when processing messages. Therefore, the system will not automatically create orders or convert conversations into Leads with these numbers.

Additionally, in the phone number settings, you can also set the minimum and maximum length of phone numbers that the system will process.

6. Automatic Order Installation

One of the superior features of the Nobi Pro system that must be mentioned is the Automated Order: When customers enter comments with content as set up, the system will automatically create an order for that customer. If you want to add multiple different contents, separate them with a comma.

To set up this feature, you just need to enter the keywords into the box as shown below, and then click "Save Settings".

7. Transfer the converstation

Transfer the converstation is a feature that helps users delegate tagged conversations across all Pages to the respective staff members.

Last updated