Sale's data report

A sales data report is a statistical summary of the number of leads received, duplicate leads, and unique leads by sales staff in one or all branches over a specific period. From this, it measures the closing rate percentage and the sales volume achieved by each employee.

To view the sales report, navigate to the Nobi Pro admin page, go to Overview -> Sale Report -> Sale's Data Report. The interface will be displayed as shown below.

(1) Sale

(2) Lead Reveived

(3) Duplicate Lead

(4) Unduplicate Lead

(5) Yesterday's Index

  • % close the deal = Conversion Rate / Lead Quantity

  • Sales: Total sales revenue from the order

(6) Last month's index

  • % close the deal = Conversion Rate / Lead Quantity

  • Sales: Total sales revenue from the order

(7) This month's index

  • % close the deal = Conversion Rate / Lead Quantity

  • SALES: Total sales revenue from the order

Last updated